The foundation aims to raise resources and provide scholarships to bright needy students ensuring that they attain secondary and post-secondary education that will put them on the path of self-advancement and global development participation.

The foundation ardently believes that equipping students with skills to widely research, experiment and provide solutions to their own situations as well as to community problems is the most fundamental gift one can provide a human being.

The foundation undertakes to work with professionals who understand grass root issues that make their schools to operate at less than optimal capacity in providing wholesome education to the children in their communities.

The foundation firmly believes that the most strategic intervention that will provide long term and sustainable development to individuals and societies is entrepreneurship. Therefore, equipping youth with skills and attitudes that will propel them to

The foundation recognizes that very many talented and people of special gifting could turn their skills to global importance if well nurtured and managed. The foundation also looks back with regret to see very many talented people mismanaged or unsupported and

The foundation’s programmes are anchored on the good will of well-wishers to support the alleviation of human and society poverty, ignorance and socio-economic alienation. Achievement of objectives of the foundation will be supported through aggressive, ethical and transparent resources mobilization globally.

The foundation will continually develop documents and policies responsive to emerging trends and practices of programme implementation and governance as a way of staying current and on the cutting edge in conducting all its affairs.

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