ANF Easter Charity Festival

Budalangi, Kenya
Monday, 22 April 2019 08:07Monday, 22 April 2019 18:07
We arrange 500 seats
+254 728 166 196
Easter Charity Festival at Che’s Bay hosted by AnfFoundation in partnership with Safaricom FDN was a roaring success. ANF appreciate everyone who was part of it, from the Chief Guests Dr. Joyce Laboso, Governor Bomet County & Hon Rachel Shebesh, CAS Public Service, Youth.
The ANF Charity Festival under the patronage of Hon. AbabuNamwamba sparkled, lives were touched.Orphans, widows and the disadvantaged benefitd more from the donation. Gifted and needy students will also benefit from the scholarship programmes courtesy of the Ababu Namwamba Foundation. All this was in the Easter spirit of love and sharing.
#ANFcharityFestival was lit, successful and a noble cause towards helping the deserving in the society. To patron @AbabuNamwamba and D.o.P Kerubo Mayaka. Kuddos.. #ANFcharityFestival
Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender CAS @Rachelshebesh at the #ANFcharityFestival powered by the @AbabuNamwamba Foundation. @AnfFoundation. She urged the young people and women to embrace government funding for them to empower themselves.
Thank you so much @SafaricomFDN, Hi-tech Gulf investments Ltd, Jubilee Insurance among other notable organisations for partnering with the @AbabuNamwamba  Foundation and donating clothings, foodstuffs, Mattresses, blankets and other items for the noble cause. #ANFcharityFestival

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